Easy zucchini slice recipe

VIDEORECIPE Easy zucchini slice recipe

An all-round winner as dinner with a salad or packed in lunch boxes for school and work. Best of all, you can make this zucchini slice with any veggies you have in the fridge and then freeze it for easy meals.

Simple picnic food ideas for sunny days

The recipe can be found in this article

Simple picnic food ideas for sunny days


number of servings
  • 4 bacon rashers Added to
  • 1 brown onion (finely chopped) Added to
  • 2 zucchini (coarsely grated) Added to
  • 1 Cup coarsely grated pumpkin Added to
  • 2 cups frozen mixed vegetables (just thawed) Added to
  • 1 Cup coarsely grated cheddar (120g) Added to
  • 1 Cup self-raising flour (150g) Added to
  • cup coarsely chopped flat-leaf parsley Added to
  • 4 Coles Australian Free Range Eggs (lightly whisked) Added to
  • 60 ml milk Added to
  • 2 tablespoon olive oil Added to


15 min.
1. Step

Preheat oven to 180°C. Grease a 20cm x 30cm lamington pan and line the base and 2 long sides with baking paper.

2. Step

Heat a medium frying pan over medium heat. Add the bacon and onion and cook, stirring, for 5 mins or until onion softens. Transfer to a bowl.

Easy zucchini slice recipe - preparation step 1
3. Step

Add the zucchini, pumpkin, mixed vegetables, cheddar, flour and parsley to the bacon mixture and stir to combine. Add the egg, milk and oil and stir to combine. Season. Spoon into the prepared pan and smooth the surface.

Easy zucchini slice recipe - preparation step 1
4. Step

Bake for 40 mins or until firm to the touch. Set aside to cool. Cut into pieces.

Easy zucchini slice recipe - preparation step 1

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