
Pastry - quick and easy recipes - page 3

882 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category pastry. One of these 882 recipes may become your new favorite. Are you in a hurry or do you like relaxing in the kitchen with a good recipe? The preparation time for the following recipes is 1 - 600 minutes. The time estimate is given for each recipe. See our favorite recipes here - Traditional gingerbread recipe, Aussie chocolate slice recipe, Easy no-bake red berry cheesecake recipe, How To Make Glazed Donuts - made for lovers of good food. Enjoy your meal!

Gluten-Free Bread Without Yeast

This recipe for gluten-free bread without yeast is ideal for people with celiac disease, gluten intolerance, or for those looking for a healthier alternative to traditional bread.

Yeast dough without yeast

A recipe for preparing yeast dough without using yeast.

Bread from dried yeast

Tasty and simple bread prepared from dried yeast. This recipe is excellent for those who want to try baking bread at home.

Homemade Bread without Sourdough

This recipe is great for those who want to prepare their own homemade bread, but do not have sourdough available. Although sourdough is a traditional way to prepare bread, with this recipe you'll find it's possible to create equally tasty and beautifully risen bread without it.

Homemade Baguettes

A recipe for homemade baguettes in traditional French style. These baguettes are beautifully crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. They are perfect for breakfast or lunch.

Fit Banana Bread

A healthy and nutritious alternative to traditional bread. Banana bread is full of fiber and proteins that will keep us full for a long time. It tastes great even the next day, so we can prepare it in advance and have a quick breakfast or snack during the day.

No-Knead Bread

This recipe is perfect for quickly preparing tasty homemade bread without the need for long proofing. Just mix the ingredients, put the dough in the tin and bake.

Yeast Bread

This recipe is a simple way to prepare crispy yeast bread at home.


A recipe for bread pancakes that are suitable as a side dish to various meals.

Homemade Potato Bread

This recipe for potato bread is simple and easy to prepare at home.

Homemade Bread

Tasty and fragrant homemade bread that you can prepare at home.

Traditional Irish Homemade Bread without Yeast

This traditional Irish bread is easy to prepare and does not require yeast.

Yeast Whole Wheat Bread

Homemade yeast whole wheat bread. Very simple to prepare, and the end result will provide you with a homemade taste and aroma. When we bake bread ourselves, we have full control over what goes into it. Yeast bread is the basis of every kitchen.

Homemade Brioche

A simple and delicious recipe to prepare soft and tasty homemade brioche, ideal for a sweet and nutritious breakfast.

Garlic baguette

Juicy garlic baguette with a crispy crust and smooth garlic filling. Perfect as a barbecue snack, at a party or for dinner with your favorite soup.

Rye Bread from Home Bakery

Home-baked goods are always fresh and tasty. This recipe allows you to create perfectly fluffy and aromatic rye bread from home bakery right in your kitchen.