
Pastry - quick and easy recipes - page 2

882 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category pastry. One of these 882 recipes may become your new favorite. Are you in a hurry or do you like relaxing in the kitchen with a good recipe? The preparation time for the following recipes is 1 - 600 minutes. The time estimate is given for each recipe. See our favorite recipes here - Traditional gingerbread recipe, Aussie chocolate slice recipe, Easy no-bake red berry cheesecake recipe, How To Make Glazed Donuts - made for lovers of good food. Enjoy your meal!

No-rise Cakes

I would describe this recipe as SALTY YEAST – NO-YEAST PASTRY, as we bake it straight away without waiting for it to rise.

Oven-baked Buns

Jam-filled buns with a sprinkle on top.

Cheese and Fruit Pie

You can never have enough of these recipes. A traybake pie for weekend baking or for unexpected visitors.

Lemon butter cookies

Fun cookies that will delight many a child.

Banana Bread

1 piece - 164kcal B 3.9g C 25g F 5.7g D 2.5g

Soft Yeast Roses

Follow these steps to make soft yeast roses.

Cheese Babka with Curd

This is a delicious babka featuring cheese curd as its main ingredient.
Recipe preview Yeast Pudding Cake
Photo recipe

Yeast Pudding Cake

Do you also love when there is plenty of filling in cakes and desserts? So I didn't save on the filling in this pudding braid.

Salty Buns from Yeasted Dough

You're sure to know sweet braided bread. But if you prefer salty, prepare this. Even though it's a yeasted dough, its preparation is not demanding, just mix all the ingredients. And moreover, you'll get two braids from the recipe, so you can try two different fillings straight away.

Coconut-Cocoa Bundt Cake

Bundt cake for coffee or tea. A delicious afternoon with dessert. The combination of coconut and chocolate never gets old.
Recipe preview 15-Minute Pizza
Photo recipe

15-Minute Pizza

Quick healthy pizza made from cottage cheese dough.

Cake with Pudding and Currants

I like to use currants in cakes, because we don't particularly enjoy them on their own, and we can't keep up with eating them during the season. If you have plenty of these, try this sheet cake enhanced with chocolate pudding. Interesting thing about it is the dough supplemented with semolina

Whole Grain Rye Bread from Home Bakery

Recipe for whole grain rye bread from a home bakery, perfect for breakfast.

Cornmeal Bread

Fresh homemade cornmeal bread is a great alternative to regular bread. It is soft, fragrant, and has a wonderful golden color.

Bread without Yeast

Super quick bread that you can prepare for breakfast without yeast.

Homemade Bread

Tasty and fresh homemade bread you can prepare in the comfort of your kitchen.