Jacket potatoes with sour cream

VIDEORECIPE Jacket potatoes with sour cream

A delicious jacket potato is not only the ideal after-work meal but also a great dish for guests. The potatoes can be prepared perfectly in advance and then cooked in the oven for about 1 hour before serving.

How to cook a perfect pork roast

The recipe can be found in this article

How to cook a perfect pork roast


number of servings

Baked potato

  • 2 larger potatoes Added to
  • 2 teaspoon olive oil Added to
  • salt Added to

Sour cream

  • 300 g low-fat quark Added to
  • 200 g sour cream Added to
  • 2 cloves of garlic Added to
  • 12 leek Added to
  • 3 tablespoon white wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar Added to
  • salt Added to
  • ground black pepper Added to
  • 12 volume chives Added to
  • 2 teaspoon sugar Added to
  • 1 squeeze lemon juice Added to


90 min.
1. Step

Wash and dry well the potatoes with the skin. Then, rub the potato with olive oil.

Jacket potatoes with sour cream - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

2. Step

Place the potatoes on a piece of aluminium foil and season with salt. Wrap the potatoes.

Jacket potatoes with sour cream - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

3. Step

Preheat the oven to 220° C and cook the potatoes for 1 hour.

Jacket potatoes with sour cream - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

4. Step

In a bowl, place the crushed garlic, chilli flakes, lemon juice, chives, salt, sugar, pepper and vinegar. Stir.

Jacket potatoes with sour cream - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

5. Step

Add the sour cream and quark cheese.

Jacket potatoes with sour cream - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

6. Step

Stir until a creamy texture is obtained.

Jacket potatoes with sour cream - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

7. Step

Cut the leek into small pieces

Jacket potatoes with sour cream - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

8. Step

Remove the top layer of aluminium foil and place the hot potato on a plate. Cut them lengthwise with a knife.

Jacket potatoes with sour cream - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

9. Step

Fill with the sour cream.

Jacket potatoes with sour cream - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

10. Step

Sprinkle the chopped leek and enjoy!

Jacket potatoes with sour cream - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

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