Preview of Feta

Feta - quick and easy recipes

93 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Feta. How about trying one of these 93 recipes today? Are you in a hurry or do you like relaxing in the kitchen with a good recipe? The preparation time for the following recipes is 5 - 240 minutes. The time estimate is given for each recipe. If you can’t make up your mind, then we recommend these favorite and very popular recipes - Easy Chickpea Salad with Lemon and Dill, Creamy Chicken Pasta of your Dreams!, How to make the best Greek Salad, Quick and easy Fettuccine Carbonara.

Salad with beetroot and orange

Untraditional, but tasty salad

Tuna Tortilla

A simple and quick recipe for tuna tortilla. Ideal for a quick lunch or as a snack for a party.

Roast Pumpkin and Fetta Salad

A delicious and refreshing salad with tangy feta and sweet pumpkin. Perfect for a light dinner or lunch.

Zucchini Summer Salad

A healthy and refreshing salad, perfect for summer days.

Boiled Potatoes with Spinach and Feta

A simple and healthy meal that is perfect for a quick dinner. The mix of fresh spinach, feta cheese, and warm potatoes is simply incredible.

Four-cheese Pizza

A classic from Italian cuisine, the four-cheese pizza with four types of delicious cheese. Its crunchy dough and the melted cheeses form a harmonious unity.

Christmas Pomegranate Salad

This Christmas Pomegranate Salad makes for a vibrant side to the roast and all the traditional trimmings, adding its special crunch to the festive meal.

Delightful Christmas Crackles

This delicious and nostalgic Christmas Crackles recipe is a traditional favorite!

Healthy Christmas Wreath Salad

This super fresh and vibrant salad is not only visually appealing with its festive colors, but also incredibly healthy and delicious.

Christmas tree made of puff pastry

Interesting Christmas tree made of puff pastry prepared savoury with spinach and cheese.

Warm Pear and Walnut Salad

One of my favorite, easy-to-make salads is this Pear and Walnut Salad.

Greek salad with feta cheese

Greek salad with feta cheese is one of my favourite dishes. It is quick to prepare, fresh and tasty.

Warm Healthy Freekeh Salad

This vegetarian dish provides the perfect balance of taste and nutrition. It's definitely worth your time!

Fall Roast Feta Pumpkin Salad

This Feta Pumpkin Salad is light, full of autumn flavors, and notably versatile. Ideal for cool nights or a healthy lunch alternative!

Simple Basic Crunchy Tossed Salad

This tossed salad has been a constant in my kitchen for years; a quick fix for lunch on busy days or a refreshing side dish for hearty meals.