Preview of Sodium bicarbonate

Sodium bicarbonate - quick and easy recipes

529 recipes

Discover some tasty recipes from the category Sodium bicarbonate. Check out one of our great 529 recipes. Preparation time 1 - 4320 minutes. You can find the exact preparation time below each recipe. In addition, see how many portions you will get by using the given amount of ingredients. See our favorite recipes here - Traditional gingerbread recipe, The best vanilla cupcakes you'll love, The best blueberry muffins ever, Best homemade banana bread recipe - made for lovers of good food. Enjoy your meal!

Zucchini Cake with Chocolate

You wouldn't say there's zucchini in the dough. Thanks to it, the cake is beautifully tender, delicate, and juicy. It tastes like a classic gingerbread, possibly thanks to the cinnamon added to the dough.

Zucchini Gingerbread

Gingerbread made from zucchini, without flour and lactose-free

Healthy Banana Brownies

Whisk eggs with sugar until frothy. Add mashed bananas, coconut oil (melted), flour, baking soda, cocoa, vanilla. Grease the baking tray with coconut oil, pour in the dough. You can sprinkle chocolate chunks.

Chocolate Raspberry Muffins

Velvety, juicy.

Protein-packed Bagel

The main ingredient is quark and mozzarella😊. Quark is rich in proteins, calcium and other important nutrients. It also contains less fat and calories than some other dairy products. Mozzarella is also a healthy choice.

Carrot cupcakes with mascarpone cream

(the batch is approximately for 18 pieces 😊) These cupcakes are moist, soft, fluffy.

Honey Layer Cake

A tasty and attractive cake that's great for any occasion. It's made from honey layers and delicious cream filling.

Cottage Cheese Pancakes

These pancakes or flatbreads can be enjoyed savory or sweet

Curd Pancakes

🥞 An intensely addictive recipe for pancakes that are not only healthier than the classic ones, they contain no sugar, have a high protein content, and win you over with their fluffiness and delicious taste. 🥞

Courgette cake with a fruit layer

Courgette in a cake is a fairly common thing. I came up with this one, complemented with a raspberry-currant layer and chocolate. And it's gluten-free.
Recipe preview Rhubarb-Strawberry Mug Bublanina SCD

Rhubarb-Strawberry Mug Bublanina SCD

SCD tasty cake. 1 cup = 250 ml
Recipe preview Amazingly creamy cottage cheese and apricot cake

Amazingly creamy cottage cheese and apricot cake

A fantastic combination of delicate cottage cheese and ripe sweet apricots in a light pastry. An amazingly tasty, very simple cake with seasonal fruit😍

Mug Cake with Strawberries

Delicate dough fragrant with strawberries
Recipe preview Fluffy Strawberry Cake

Fluffy Strawberry Cake

Fragrant and fluffy strawberry cake, fresh with lemon and full of strawberry flavour. The dough is kept moist by yogurt, and of course the strawberries provide the aroma. You can certainly use other seasonal fruits, personally I really like black or red currant and also gooseberries.