Source: https://youtu.be/VSC22xVwSgM
Homemade Calabrian Nduja recipe
Calabrian Nduja worth it! This typical Italian preparation takes a few months, but the results are amazing: spreadable meat that always works with everything. With this recipe, learn how to make a homemade Calabrian Nduja.
- 700 g pork lard
- 350 g shoulder meat or pork belly
- 150 g sweet chilli pulp
- 30 g salt
- 6 tablespoon hot pepper flakes
- Natural pork casings
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Cut the meat and lard into slices about 1 cm wide.
Pass everything through the mincer with the disc with small holes.
Season the meat with salt, chilli and chilli pulp. Work everything with your hands in order to distribute the chilli pepper well and dissolve the salt.
Using a meat grinder equipped with the special funnel, stuff the meat into the casings, which must have one end closed with string.
Hang the 'nduja and smoke it for a week, placing it in a dry room with a fireplace.
Continue ageing in a cool and dry place for about 2-4 months.
You can vacuum-pack the Calabrian 'nduja and start to enjoy.