Preview of Puree

Puree - quick and easy recipes

106 recipes

Best recipe ideas from the category Puree all in one place! Check out one of our great 106 recipes. Preparation time 10 - 285 minutes. You can find the exact preparation time below each recipe. In addition, see how many portions you will get by using the given amount of ingredients. Recipes such as Easy Homemade Lasagne Recipe, The best vegetable ratatouile in the world, The most delicious vegetarian lasagna recipe, The Best Beef Goulash Recipe are among our most popular. Check them out - you might find them appealing too!

Chestnut Gingerbread

Gingerbread made from chestnut puree

Pumpkin Pancakes

Pancakes don't have to be just potato

Chestnut Filling

Tasty and smooth chestnut filling, which is ideal for pancakes, cakes or desserts.

Strawberry Cake with Beetroot Base

Even a cake can be prepared in a healthier, more nutritious yet tasty way. This one is a proof. Moreover, it looks great and you won't taste the difference compared to the traditional one.

Chestnut Puree with Mascarpone

A quick dessert that you can prepare with mascarpone and chestnut puree.
Recipe preview Chestnut Dessert
Photo recipe

Chestnut Dessert

Chestnut purée cheesecake with carrot-orange base.

Apple and Poppy Seed Cake with Millet

Have you tried millet in a dessert yet? Nutritious and healthy breakfast for the whole family.

Spaghetti Sauce with Tomatoes

Tasty and simple spaghetti sauce with tomatoes that you will love. This sauce is full of flavor and vitamins. Ideal for a quick lunch or dinner.

Refreshing Strawberry Cake

Today, I have prepared a strawberry cake that everyone will certainly be able to make. I admit it, I dug up my recipe for a no-bake ladyfinger cake and replaced the ladyfingers with a tender and fluffy base. The cake has a delicious strawberry filling.

Gnocchi in Tomato Sauce

A quick and simple recipe, suitable for both lunch and dinner.

Protein Chocolate Brownies

Sweetness without remorse. :) 1 piece - 64kcal B 5.6g S 6.8g T 1.4g

Yogurt Pizza

Mixing ingredients for the dough. The dough will be wrapped in foil and left in the refrigerator for about 2 hours.

Quick Chicken Breast Spaghetti Sauce

Much better than store bought..

Chestnut Dessert with Mascarpone

A recipe for a tasty chestnut dessert with mascarpone, suitable for special occasions.