
Pastry - quick and easy recipes - page 19

882 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category pastry. One of these 882 recipes may become your new favorite. Are you in a hurry or do you like relaxing in the kitchen with a good recipe? The preparation time for the following recipes is 1 - 600 minutes. The time estimate is given for each recipe. See our favorite recipes here - Traditional gingerbread recipe, Aussie chocolate slice recipe, Easy no-bake red berry cheesecake recipe, How To Make Glazed Donuts - made for lovers of good food. Enjoy your meal!

Autumn crumble cake

Crumble cake is a really quick dessert to make, a warming treat on cool autumn days, and can be topped with fruit. The special thing about this version is that it's sugar-free, so it's also great for dieters.

Delicious chocolate pastry cream

Making pastry cream always makes the cooking experience unique. This chocolate version is no exception. I have made it numerous times, varying the ingredients and adjusting the amounts until perfection is achieved. It is ideal for filling cakes and mille-feuille, or simply to enjoy with a spoonful. Its flavor is excellent, the creamy consistency is divine and the preparation, although time consuming, is quite simple.

Custard berlinas recipe

In this recipe I am going to show you how to prepare one of my favorite recipes that are typical especially in Germany; the berlinas.

French Tarte Tatin

I remember the first time I made Tarte Tatin, how surprised I was at how simple it was to make, yet how delicious the end result was. I've made it countless times since then and it's always a big hit with family and friends.

Vanilla snail

The way I make vanilla snails, you can always turn the ingredients into a delicious, fluffy pastry. Its captivating aroma fills the kitchen as it bakes and I can't wait to try it. It always brightens up Sunday lunches, but it's also perfect for weekdays or when we have guests over.

Chocolate cherry muffin

The combination of chocolate and cherries is simply irresistible, and the chocolate cherry muffin is always a big hit in our homes. I often make them on weekends for breakfast or afternoon tea. The sweet and tart aftertaste of the chocolate and cherry mixture is incredibly harmonious.

Pumpkin and yoghurt sponge cake

This pumpkin and yogurt cake is one of my favorites for fall. I take advantage of the pumpkins in season to prepare it and the result is a super fluffy, moist cake with a subtle and delicious pumpkin flavor. The addition of yogurt gives it an extra layer of moisture and softness that makes this a really special cake.

How to make angel hair

This is one of my favorite recipes since childhood. It offers a delicious sweet flavor and smooth texture that translates into a wonderful ingredient to add to your pies or simply to enjoy as a dessert on its own. In my experience, the hardest part of making angel hair is the patience it takes to slow cook it and allow the pumpkin to caramelize properly. But the reward is definitely worth it.

Quick apple cake

I recently got some apples and decided to try a new quick dessert with them. That's how I found this recipe for \Apple Quick Cake\, which looked simple and could be made in just 30 minutes. And the end result was delicious.

Delicious Pumpkin Flan

Pumpkin flan is a traditional dessert that reminds me a lot of family gatherings in the fall season. In its preparation, I like to use fresh pumpkin, which gives it a unique texture and accentuates the flavor. It is a sweet that always surprises for its softness and balanced flavor, besides having the added bonus of being very healthy due to its variety of nutrient-rich ingredients.

Delicious Sweet Hawaiian Taro Bread

The combination of soft, tender taro and the slightly sweet dough creates this bread that is out of this world.

Quince jelly

Today we will prepare a classic dulce de membrillo, a recipe I inherited from my grandmother. I have very vivid and sweet memories of preparing this quince jam with her in our old kitchen. Now, everyone at home looks forward to when it's time to make this treat. Something as simple as eating a slice of dulce de membrillo with some fresh cheese can transport you to a world full of memories and authentic flavors.

How to Make Wind Fritters

One of my happiest memories is helping my grandmother make buñuelos de viento every Easter. They are small and light, like clouds and taste delicious. They are also very easy to make. I encourage you to try them; they will surely become a tradition of yours too.

Delicious pumpkin quiche

A pumpkin quiche filled with fall spices has always been at the top of my list of favorite home-cooked meals. It can be enjoyed hot or cold and is a great companion for any autumn picnic with friends. It is easy to prepare without compromising on full flavor. Every time I make this quiche, it is an absolute hit at any party!