Preview of Homemade ice cream

Homemade ice cream - quick and easy recipes - page 4

55 recipes

Discover some tasty recipes from the category Homemade ice cream. One of these 55 recipes may become your new favorite. Are you in a hurry or do you like relaxing in the kitchen with a good recipe? The preparation time for the following recipes is 5 - 720 minutes. The time estimate is given for each recipe. If we’re talking about good recipes, then these favorites come to mind - Simple Golden Gaytime Ice Cream Cake, Best M&M Vanilla Ice Cream Chocolate Cake, How to make ice cream bread?, How to make coconut ice at home?. Will you try one out?

Homemade Australian Iced vovo recipe

This recipe teaches how to make a homemade Iced vovo, a popular Australian dessert. Don't miss it!
Recipe preview Easy sprinkles ice cream recipe

Easy sprinkles ice cream recipe

Make more fun your ice cream at home with this easy sprinkles recipe. Don't miss it!

Two-Ingredient Banana Ice Cream

For a creamy, naturally sweet, healthy, easy frozen dessert that can satisfy your ice cream cravings, we recommend this two-ingredient ice “cream.” There isn’t any cream in this recipe, or much of anything else besides bananas. But the fruit is full of natural sugars and has a creamy texture that works well when frozen and blended. After you master this basic recipe, you can play around with adding other ingredients to it, such as nut butter, cinnamon, or cocoa powder.

Chocolate-Covered Ice Cream Bites

For a kinda fancy, totally different sweet treat, these chocolate-covered ice cream bites will grab you at the first nibble. The recipe only requires three to four ingredients, and no cooking is required, besides a little microwave action. The hardest part is the time it takes to freeze and refreeze these little delectables. Well, and making sure it doesn’t melt as you work could prove a little tricky. You know what would make these bites even better? Homemade ice cream instead of the store.

Chocolate Rice Krispies Ice Cream Cake

Strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate: These three colors are nostalgic for many of us, reminding us of the hot summers and ice cream parties of childhood. This cake is easy to make and shows off your creativity in the kitchen with the three different layers — cereal, ice cream, and whipped cream. You don’t even have to turn on the oven. The combination of soft ice cream and crunchy puffed rice will offer a great textual contrast. Plus, it’s just fun.

Big Brother Ice Cream Sandwich Cookies

Don’t believe a sweet treat featuring slop could be delicious? Think of the secret ingredient as oatmeal instead and you’ll understand just how good these chewy peanut butter chocolate chip cookies (featuring a hefty dose of butter, of course) really are. Use the cookies to make Big Brother Ice Cream Sandwiches.
Recipe preview Iced Milo Mocha Milk Froth

Iced Milo Mocha Milk Froth

Iced Milo Mocha Milk Froth is another must-try drink that you can easily make at home during this quarantine time. For this recipe, you can swap the milo with chocolate powder.
Recipe preview Original Long Island iced tea recipe

Original Long Island iced tea recipe

This original iced tea cocktail was first served at the Oak Beach Inn on Long Island. It contains up to five alcoholic drinks, but its flavour is based on the mix of the liqueurs, not their strength. Despite its name, the only thing that is tea-like about