
Autumn - quick and easy recipes - page 8

119 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category autumn. How about trying one of these 119 recipes today? These recipes will take about 5 - 270 minutes to prepare. In addition to the ingredients and procedure, each recipe includes an approximate preparation time and number of portions. If we’re talking about good recipes, then these favorites come to mind - Cheesecake Recipe Easy, The best and easiest mushroom and cream pasta recipe, Traditional gingerbread recipe, The best vanilla cupcakes you'll love. Will you try one out?

Baked potatoes

An American classic that also has many friends here in Europe. Baked potatoes taste good as a side dish to a juicy steak but are also a pleasure on their own!


Scallops is a yummy recipe Baked in the lower third of the oven preheated to 170 °, with heat up and down, only five minutes.


Every single ingredient in this dish is super healthy in itself. Together, they make the perfect mix of healthy fats (salmon and avocado), filling carbohydrates (rice), and proteins (salmon, edamame).
Recipe preview Easy Pumpkin Soup Recipe

Easy Pumpkin Soup Recipe

Easy recipe perfect for the autumn season.

Best homemade banana bread recipe

Do you have bananas left at home that are already overlooked and nobody wants them? Simple, healthy and currently very popular banana bread manages to bake at home.

An easy way to make coctail margarita

One of the cocktail recipes that you can count on!
Recipe preview Homemade pancakes recipe without eggs

Homemade pancakes recipe without eggs

One would not believe that pancakes can be made without eggs. This recipe will convince you of that.
Recipe preview The best and easy to make Broccoli soup without cream

The best and easy to make Broccoli soup without cream

In this recipe, classic cream is replaced by coconut milk. Thanks to it, the soup is very fresh.