
Fish - quick and easy recipes - page 5

249 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category fish. One of these 249 recipes may become your new favorite. You will need this much time for the following recipes 5 - 225 minutes. By clicking the recipe, you can see details about the preparation time and the number of portions. Recipes such as Best Old-Fashioned Tuna Sandwich Ever, How to make salmon fillets with cheese and spinach sauce?, Tuna Casserole with Crispy Parmesan Topping, Crispy Deep-Fried Fish Batter are among our most popular. Check them out - you might find them appealing too!

Salmon in foil with potatoes

Recipe for baked salmon in foil with potatoes, which tastes perfect.

Pasta with tuna and tomato sauce

This simple but tasty recipe for pasta with tuna, tomato sauce and olives became one of my favorites during my holiday in Italy.

Fish in beer batter

Recipe for delicious fish in beer batter, ready in half an hour.

Fried mirin

A recipe for fried mirin that is perfect for a quick lunch or dinner.

Nigiri sushi

Nigiri sushi is one of the most popular types of sushi and its preparation is always a joyful challenge for me. It is small "assembled" pieces of rice covered with a slice of fresh fish fillet. Although the preparation process may seem complicated, with a little patience and care, anyone can master it. The most important thing is to use quality ingredients and follow the correct procedure.

Fish in pancake batter

A recipe for a delicious dish of fish in pancake batter that our whole family enjoys.

Thai Crispy Fried Fish with Tamarind Sauce

Among countless delicacies, Thai crispy fish with tamarind sauce is a standout, with the delicate combination of the flaky, crispy fish perfectly offset by the sour-sweetness of the tamarind sauce.

Fresh Salmon with Lemon Capers

Salmon with Capers has always made evenings at home turn into savory delights. It's a quick yet impressive dish that never fails to impress guests or just as a fancy dinner with family.

Herby Lemon & Garlic Oven Baked Cod

The intense flavor of the cod blends perfectly with the lemon and herbal seasonings, and served with a heaping side of steamed vegetables, this is a hearty yet healthy meal. It’s pretty easy to prepare, and perfect whether for a weeknight dinner or to impress guests.

Baked Cheesy Canned Tuna Meatballs

These meatballs are flavorful, light, and exceptionally satisfying. Having a focus on a healthier diet, baking these meatballs instead of frying lessens the fats ingested.

Perfect Simple Oven Grilled Salmon

This recipe brings out salmon's refreshing, crunchy crust while keeping the inner meat moist and tender.

Trout miller-style

Trout miller-style is one of my favourite fish dishes. It's a very simple and quick recipe where the premium taste of fresh fish combined with a slightly crispy wrapper stands out. I have prepared this recipe several times and it has always been a great success.

Tortilla with salmon

Tortilla with salmon is a dish I always prepare when I'm in the mood for something light but satisfying. The salmon adds a note of elegance and flavor to this traditional Spanish dish. It has been a hit at many brunches in my house. Try this recipe and you're sure to like this combination of flavors.

Homemade Salmon Dinner Meal Prep for Two

Having a soft spot for seafood and a penchant for keeping meals healthy and convenient, I have prepared this Salmon Meal Prep several times for my partner and me. It has now become our go-to meal when we want to treat ourselves amidst our busy work schedules. The fusion of zesty seasoning, fresh vegetables, and succulent salmon never fails to turn the dinner into an occasion. Trust me on this, as it's not merely a recipe, it's a secret to a memorable meal!

Crispy Pan Fried Coral Trout Fillet

The coral trout, a succulent, tender fish with a mild flavor, pairs wonderfully with herbs, spices and aromatics. The resultant dish is a perfect balance of savory and tangy, delicate and bold. This recipe will definitely convert you into a home-cook seafood enthusiast!

Japanese Snapper Fillet Sashimi Sushi

Savor a slice of Japanese culinary culture with this Snapper Sashimi recipe. Using the freshest possible snapper fillets, this dish showcases the melt-in-mouth texture and flavor of the snapper. Paired with tangy soy sauce and spicy wasabi, this simple yet exquisite dish can be a perfect appetizer or a part of sushi nights at home.