Preview of Salad with mozzarella

Salad with mozzarella - quick and easy recipes

17 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Salad with mozzarella. Try one of these 17 recipes. You will need this much time for the following recipes 10 - 45 minutes. By clicking the recipe, you can see details about the preparation time and the number of portions. If we’re talking about good recipes, then these favorites come to mind - Healthy Stuffed Capsicum recipe, Quick and easy pesto pasta salad recipe, Authentic Italian Panzanella recipe, Broccoli ham casserole recipe. Will you try one out?

Cold Pasta Salad

This refreshing pasta salad is perfect for hot summer days. It is full of flavors, vitamins, and also very simple and quick to prepare.

Iceberg Lettuce with Mozzarella and Tomatoes

A simple and refreshing salad, perfect for lunch or dinner.

Italian salad with mozzarella

Simple and tasty Italian salad with mozzarella and rocket.

Fresh Tomato Salad with Mozzarella and Arugula

The secret to this simple yet delightful dish lies in the freshness of your ingredients, so choose them wisely!

The best Italian tortellini pan

The tortellini pan is a personal favorite with my family and me. I've made this Italian dish several times and it always hits the sweet spot between comfort and flavor. With this recipe, I make sure everyone at the dinner table is satisfied and wants more. The best part about this dish is that it's super easy and quick to prepare, making it a perfect weeknight dinner recipe.

Asparagus Mozzarella and Tomato Caprese Salad

This Asparagus and Tomato Caprese Salad is a refreshing, robust meal, sophisticated in its simplicity yet full of vibrant flavors.

Broccoli ham casserole recipe

This delicious, hearty broccoli ham casserole is a regular favorite at our family lunch table. Every time I make the casserole, the kitchen smells wonderfully of baked cheese. The interplay of creamy cheese, crunchy broccoli and flavorful ham is simply irresistible, and the crispy casserole is the icing on the cake.

Salad with Mozzarella, Tomato and Cucumber

Salad with Mozzarella, Tomato and Cucumber is simple, healthy and full of freshness for a light lunch or dinner. Ideal for people who appreciate simple preparation and natural flavors. Perfect for hot days when you are looking for something light and refreshing.

Salad with Arugula and Mozzarella

Salad with arugula and mozzarella is a light and refreshing meal that is perfect as a quick dinner or party appetizer. The subtly tangy arugula combined with the delicate mozzarella makes the salad not only tasty, but also healthy.

Toasted Melted Balsamic Caprese Salad Sandwich

A Caprese Sandwich is a traditional Italian dish served on toasted ciabatta bread, filled with fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, and fresh basil. It's drizzled with an exquisite balsamic glaze for a deliciously tangy finish. Satisfying, refreshing, and bursting with Italian flavors, this sandwich is perfect for a quick lunch or a light dinner.
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Healthy fig salad recipe

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How to make the best Valentine's Day salad?

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Recipe preview Authentic Italian Panzanella recipe

Authentic Italian Panzanella recipe

This easy recipe teaches how to make homemade authentic Italian Panzanella, one of the best summer salads. Don't miss it!
Recipe preview Quick and easy pesto pasta salad recipe

Quick and easy pesto pasta salad recipe

This easy recipe teaches how to make the best homemade pesto pasta salad. Don't miss it!
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Typical Italian Caprese salad recipe

This easy recipe teaches you how to make a typical Italian Caprese salad. Don't miss it!