
Yeast - quick and easy recipes - page 4

244 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category yeast. How about trying one of these 244 recipes today? Are you in a hurry or do you like relaxing in the kitchen with a good recipe? The preparation time for the following recipes is 4 - 600 minutes. The time estimate is given for each recipe. See our favorite recipes here - How To Make Glazed Donuts, Fluffy and delicious banana muffins, The best homemade chocolate cupcakes recipe, Fluffy and tasty cinnamon scrolls recipe - made for lovers of good food. Enjoy your meal!

Soft Gerbeaud Cake

The Soft Gerbeaud Cake is a traditional Hungarian dessert made with nuts, jam, and chocolate. Its tasty, crumbly dough and rich filling will knock everyone off their feet. It's an ideal choice for holidays, or just for an everyday treat.

Gluten-free Bread

Tasty and aromatic bread, ideal for those who need or want to limit their gluten intake. This recipe is simple and does not require any special baking skills.

Little Crullers

Little Crullers are traditional small German fried pastries that are particularly popular during Carnival or Shrovetide. They are primarily made from yeast dough and are often dusted with powdered sugar.

New Year's Pretzel

The New Year's Pretzel is a traditional pastry that is primarily baked and gifted in Germany and German-speaking countries for New Year's. It symbolizes luck and blessings for the new year. The pretzel is sweet, soft, and fluffy, and it tastes divine with butter or jam.


I've always loved Panettone, but the store-bought versions didn't have the taste and texture I had imagined.

Poppy seed rolls

Recipe for sourdough poppy seed rolls that are perfect for breakfast or a snack.

Poppy seed rolls

Recipe for sourdough poppy seed rolls that are perfect for breakfast or a snack.

Italian Christmas cake Pandoro

This recipe for the Italian classic Pandoro is one of my favorites at Christmas time. The fragrant yeast dough and sweet powdered sugar "snow blanket" create warmth and coziness in any kitchen and bring a smile to my family's faces. So grab your bowl of dough and let's celebrate the magical Christmas season together with this delicious cake.

Tasty Christmas bread

Every year, in my family, Christmas bread is a must to accompany dinner on the 24th. Preparing it is a tradition and, although it takes time, the satisfaction of seeing everyone enjoying this delicious homemade bread is priceless. Here I share with you the recipe that my grandmother taught me and that I have continued to prepare year after year.

Homemade bread with onions

This recipe for homemade bread with onions has worked well for me over the years of making various types of homemade bread. I experimented with the ingredients myself until I arrived at this final version, which always conjures up a wonderfully tasty and flavorful bread.

Swedish "Lussekatter"

Lussekatter, or Lucia cats, are traditional Swedish yeast pastries that are baked for Lucia on December 13th. I have made this recipe several times and it is always a hit with my family and guests. They are soft, slightly sweet and have an incomparable saffron flavor. This recipe makes about 20 pieces.

Delicious Christmas Panettone

Christmas panettone is one of my favorite recipes during the holidays. Its sweet taste mixed with candied fruits and raisins, its Christmas aroma, as well as its soft texture, never fail to amaze everyone. This recipe brings back many memories from my childhood and I hope it fills you with joy too. Whenever I have the opportunity to make it, I always make sure to make enough to share with my loved ones.

Pretzel with cheese

This recipe is for breakfast, quick lunch or snack lovers. Season to taste and serve with hot or cold drinks.

Langos like from the Christmas market

A recipe as atmospheric as a Christmas market and as cozy as a snug winter evening: langos. These Hungarian fat buns are definitely a must for every winter season. The outside is crispy and the inside is wonderfully tender and soft. My family and I just love them! I tried this recipe last Christmas and it was a huge success. The langos can be topped however you like!

Moist and spongy Christmas sweetbread

I'm a firm believer that Christmas sweet bread is the perfect gift. There's nothing like the aroma of a homemade recipe baking to awaken the senses and immerse you in the magic of Christmas. For years, I've dedicated myself to perfecting just the right mix to achieve that balance of fluffiness and moistness that melts, layer after layer, in your mouth. This recipe takes time, but I assure you that every minute spent is rewarded with a taste of unparalleled flavor.

Delicious Christmas braid

I learned this recipe from my grandmother, it is a tradition in my family to prepare it every year at Christmas. Its intense flavor, its delicacy and its appearance reminiscent of Christmas make me want to share it with everyone. It is a recipe that requires time and patience, but the result is worth it.