
Garlic - quick and easy recipes - page 3

2226 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category garlic. How about trying one of these 2226 recipes today? You will need this much time for the following recipes 5 - 1440 minutes. By clicking the recipe, you can see details about the preparation time and the number of portions. See our favorite recipes here - The best ever carbonara recipe, The Best Devilled Sausages, Baked lamb chops easy recipe, The best Chicken japanese curry recipe - made for lovers of good food. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe preview Fluffy Yeast Rolls with Garlic and Cheese Filling

Fluffy Yeast Rolls with Garlic and Cheese Filling

Soft yeast dough filled with a wonderful mixture of bear's garlic and cheese. Bear's garlic is healthy, tasty, and can be used in the kitchen in various ways.

Pork Meatballs

A favorite Sunday lunch

Pork Perkelt

Our favorite pork perkelt

Gnocchi in Cheese Mushroom Sauce

Those who love creamy sauces will definitely enjoy this dish.

Chicken with Honey

Juicy chicken breasts poured with a sweet and mildly spicy honey sauce.

Creamy Ginger Carrot Soup

A creamy, slightly spicy soup full of vitamins that warms up on cold days. The ginger gives the soup a unique hot flavor.

Chicken Thighs with Potatoes in the Oven

Tasty and juicy chicken thighs with potatoes, baked to a golden brown in the oven. This recipe is ideal for a family lunch or dinner.

Marinade for Grilled Meat

This marinade is ideal for any meat you plan to grill.

Vegetable Salad with Sour Cream

A light and refreshing vegetable salad with sour cream. Ideal as a light lunch or dinner, but also as a side dish to main meals.

Tuna Pasta Salad

A refreshing and delicious salad that is perfect for summer days, a barbecue with friends, or a healthy meal for work.

Quick Courgette Soup

Quick and simple courgette soup, which is excellent.

Slow Roasted Pork Belly

This is a recipe for pork belly that is slowly roasted in the oven. Thanks to the long process, the meat is tender and juicy. The ideal recipe for a weekend lunch.

Chicken Stir Fry

This recipe will transport you directly to the heart of Asian cuisine. Tasty chicken in combination with spicy Chinese specialties is perfect for a quick lunch or dinner.

Creamy Mushroom Risotto

A recipe for a delicious creamy mushroom risotto, which you can easily prepare for lunch or dinner.

Beef with mushrooms and wine

It is a simple recipe and the meat with the sauce is deliciously tasty.