Preview of Almonds

Almonds - quick and easy recipes

314 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Almonds. Check out one of our great 314 recipes. Are you in a hurry or do you like relaxing in the kitchen with a good recipe? The preparation time for the following recipes is 5 - 480 minutes. The time estimate is given for each recipe. If you need help choosing, we recommend Tasty Caramel slice, How to make salmon fillets with cheese and spinach sauce?, Fluffy and delicious banana muffins, Easy and tasty traditional Macarons recipe. They are among our most sought-after and popular recipes. We’re sure you’ll love it!

Chocolate Orange Cake

Orange jam is a bit less traditional. But I bought it and tried to use it in a dessert. The combination of chocolate and orange is great.

Pear and Plum Crumble

Do you have a lot of fruit? Prepare crumble for breakfast. Tasty and healthy. You only need a few ingredients and you're ready in no time.
Recipe preview Peach Galette
Photo recipe

Peach Galette

An excellent recipe for a fresh peach galette complemented with jam and curd.

Salmon with vegetables in 15 minutes

Grill the salmon on both sides and sprinkle with lime. The salad just needs to be seasoned with balsamic vinegar, olive oil and Himalayan salt.

Peach Cake with Chocolate and Crumble

A simple cake for the weekend. Fruits, chocolate and crumble.

Baked Pear

I prepared a baked pear, but an apple is also great. I’m also adding a quick recipe but you can guesstimate the ingredients according to the size of the fruit 🥰

Swedish Almond Cake

Tasty Swedish almond cake, suitable for special occasions.
Recipe preview Light Grated Curd Cake
Photo recipe

Light Grated Curd Cake

Many of you probably know the grated curd cake. But what about adding a little twist to this classic cake. Instead of a cocoa dough, use a light one, add fruit and moreover make it in a somewhat healthier version.

Pasta with Salmon and Cream Sauce

This recipe is a simple and quick way to prepare an excellent dish from salmon and pasta.

Carrot Cake Without Flour

A healthy and tasty cake that will delight all your taste buds. This carrot cake is without flour.

One-pan Salmon with Potatoes

A quick and simple dinner or lunch

Mini Cheesecakes with White Chocolate

Tasty mini cheesecakes with white chocolate, strawberries, and almond flakes.

Quick Mug Cake Recipe

A quick cake that can be prepared without weighing. Prepare a traditional cake with not entirely traditional flavors that amazingly go well together- almond, orange, carrot.