Preview of Vegetable salads

Vegetable salads - quick and easy recipes

177 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Vegetable salads. We have a great collection of 177 recipes to diversify your menu! The preparation time is 5 - 600 minutes, depending on the complexity of the recipe. If you can’t make up your mind, then we recommend these favorite and very popular recipes - Easy Chickpea Salad with Lemon and Dill, The best Caesar salad recipe, The best pumpkin salad recipe, Homemade egg and potato salad recipe.

Salad with beetroot and orange

Untraditional, but tasty salad

Crab Stick Salad

A light and diet-friendly salad suitable for those on a diet.

Tuna salad with cottage cheese

This salad is light, slightly spicy, and tastes fresh.

Cabbage Beetroot Salad with Mayonnaise

This delicious salad is a perfect accompaniment to any meal. The preparation is simple and quick.

Zucchini Summer Salad

A healthy and refreshing salad, perfect for summer days.

Zucchini Spaghetti with Garlic and Parmesan

This simple and delicious recipe combines zucchini spaghetti, also known as zoodles, with the rich flavors of garlic and parmesan. This dish is light, healthy, and perfect for a quick, vegetarian meal.

Brussels Sprout Curry with Chickpeas Vegan

This hearty, slightly spicy curry not only fills you up properly, but is also very nutritious thanks to Brussels sprouts and chickpeas. It is perfect as a delicious dinner or lunch.

Boiled Potatoes with Fried Mushrooms

This is a simple but delicious dish that is perfect as a side or main course. It is also an excellent vegetarian dish. The mix of earthy mushrooms and creamy potatoes is simply irresistible. This dish is easy to make and requires very few ingredients.

Boiled Potatoes with Spinach and Feta

A simple and healthy meal that is perfect for a quick dinner. The mix of fresh spinach, feta cheese, and warm potatoes is simply incredible.

Fennel Carrot Vegetables

A delicious and healthy vegetable dish that can be served as a side dish or main course. The combination of fennel and carrots brings a unique explosion of taste to the table, rounded off with a touch of lemon.

Brussels Sprouts Salad with Orange and Walnut

A healthy, crunchy Brussels sprouts salad with oranges and walnuts. A perfect salad for the cold season.