Preview of Vanilla cake

Vanilla cake - quick and easy recipes

31 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Vanilla cake. How about trying one of these 31 recipes today? Preparation time 5 - 480 minutes. You can find the exact preparation time below each recipe. In addition, see how many portions you will get by using the given amount of ingredients. See our favorite recipes here - The best vanilla cupcakes you'll love, A classic Vanilla Slice recipe, The Best Vanilla Sponge Cake Recipe, Amazing Checkerboard Chocolate & Vanilla Cake - made for lovers of good food. Enjoy your meal!

Vanilla Pancakes

You have to try these fluffy pancakes🙏🏼🤤

Vanilla Croissants

Fast, simple and very delicious🥐🤤

Vegan vanilla and almond cookies

This cookie recipe is my favorite during the winter vacations. Despite the lack of butter, the cookies have a lovely texture and irresistible flavor thanks to the combination of almonds and vanilla. The use of coconut oil instead of butter brings a wonderful lightness to the cookies without sacrificing flavor. This recipe has been tried and tested several times at home and found to be excellent!

Vanilla stars for Christmas

The moments shared as a family during the Christmas holidays are what I treasure most. One of our favorite traditions has been the preparation of these delicious vanilla stars since I was a child. This recipe is a blend of flavor and love, which also pleases the eye with its star shape. Its sweet and intense vanilla flavor is the magic touch for a Christmas afternoon.

Simple Homemade Cookies with Vanilla Icing

Nothing brings more smiles than a freshly baked cookie, enchantingly adorned with a layer of homemade vanilla icing.

Homemade vanilla sticks

I love this recipe for vanilla bars. It's a recipe I've made time and time again and everyone loves it. The vanilla bars are crunchy and sweet and the vanilla flavor is very intense. They are the perfect gift at Christmas time or just for snacking in between.

Vegan vanilla cookies without egg

These are not just egg-free cookies, with their delicate vanilla flavor and crumbly texture, they practically melt in your mouth. I created this recipe when I was looking for a way to bake delicious cookies for my friend who is allergic to eggs. Over the years it has been improved again and again and I now bake them not only at Christmas time, but all year round.

Vanilla snail

The way I make vanilla snails, you can always turn the ingredients into a delicious, fluffy pastry. Its captivating aroma fills the kitchen as it bakes and I can't wait to try it. It always brightens up Sunday lunches, but it's also perfect for weekdays or when we have guests over.

Halloween Ghost Vanilla Cake

The combination of moist vanilla cake enveloped by velvety cream cheese frosting is simply irresistible. The taste is not spooky at all, it’s utterly divine!

Classic White Chocolate Vanilla Buttercream Frosting

White Chocolate Buttercream is a luxurious, creamy frosting perfect for cakes, cupcakes, or cookies. It is easy to make, features a delicate blend of sweetness and richness, and offers smooth texture for your desserts with versatile decorating ability. Quite irresistible, it proves to be a delight for white chocolate lovers.

Amazing Checkerboard Chocolate & Vanilla Cake

Checkerboard Cake is an interesting and visually appealing dessert. This vanilla and chocolate cake is assembled in a special checkerboard pattern that's sure to impress at any gathering. Not only does it look incredible, but its rich flavor and soft texture make it equally enjoyable to eat.

Chocolate Chip Vanilla Filling Cookie Sandwiches

A delicious spin on the classic cookie dessert, these Chocolate Chip Cookie Sandwiches are filled with a creamy vanilla filling that brings the sweet chocolate chips to a whole new level. Perfect for any gathering, they're sure to be a hit with children and adults alike.

Caramilk Vanilla Custard Slice Delight

This Caramilk custard slice is a variation of a classic dessert, featuring a golden caramel-like layer of Caramilk chocolate on top of a creamy custard center, sandwiched between two crisp layers of pastry. It's smooth, sweet, and utterly delightful, perfect for gatherings or a satisfying tea-time treat.

Classic Vanilla Buttercream Frosting From Scratch

Featuring just four ingredients, this Vanilla Buttercream Frosting is creamy, sweet, and perfect for cake decorating. It's a classic frosting option that pairs well with any cake flavor, it's great for spreading, piping, and decorating with various frosting tips. You can easily adjust the consistency to your liking making it the ideal frosting grab for any home baker.

LadyBug Birthday Chocolate Vanilla Cake

This ravishing LadyBug Cake is a stunner that will add more charm to any kid's party or get together. This red and black-spotted delicacy is not just a treat to the eyes but satisfies your sweet tooth too. Infused with flavors of chocolate and vanilla, this cake is frosted with beautifully colored vanilla buttercream, rendering an aesthetic look to it.

Best M&M Vanilla Ice Cream Chocolate Cake

A tempting, colorful treat for kids and adults alike, this M&M Ice Cream Cake combines everyone's favorite chocolate candies with smooth and creamy vanilla ice cream, all on a classic chocolate biscuit base. Perfect for birthdays, gatherings, or just as a summer dessert, it certainly brings a festive and fun touch to any occasion.