Preview of Quick desserts

Quick desserts - quick and easy recipes

248 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Quick desserts. One of these 248 recipes may become your new favorite. You will need this much time for the following recipes 1 - 70 minutes. By clicking the recipe, you can see details about the preparation time and the number of portions. If you can’t make up your mind, then we recommend these favorite and very popular recipes - Cheesecake Recipe Easy, Microwave Chocolate Brownie in a Mug Cake, English homemade honey crunchies recipe, Homemade custard cream recipe.

Pancake Muffins

Pancakes with a twist

Banana Bread

Juicy banana bread

Easter Cups

Mini cheesecake in cups

Pretzel-Nutella Balls

Join the salty and sweet

Rhubarb Dessert with Quark

Recipe for a tasty and sweet rhubarb dessert with quark.

Mascarpone Cream for Cake

This delicious and creamy mascarpone cream is excellent for decorating and filling cakes. It's light, delicate, and perfectly pairs with various types of cake bases and fruits.

Chocolate Cookies

The Best Chocolate Cookies

Chocolate cake without eggs

Tasty little cake without adding eggs

Peach Ice Cream

Homemade ice cream. You will only need a few ingredients, it's easy to prepare and it's definitely healthier than the one from the store.

Kefir Muffins with Raspberries and Chocolate

Full of tasty raspberries and chunks of chocolate

Mug Bundt Cake

A simple recipe for a delicious Bundt cake.

Quick Protein Scramble with Apple and Pear

Craving something sweet, nutritious, and healthy? This scramble requires only a few ingredients, a moment of your time, and you can savor the taste.

Simple and fast cookies

Fast, healthy cookies from three main ingredients. You can supplement and vary them according to yourself

Baked Pear

I prepared a baked pear, but an apple is also great. I’m also adding a quick recipe but you can guesstimate the ingredients according to the size of the fruit 🥰

Mascarpone Cake Filling

A fantastic cake filling that you can prepare from mascarpone.