Dishes up to 5 ingredients

Dishes up to 5 ingredients - quick and easy recipes

366 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Dishes up to 5 ingredients. Try one of these 366 recipes. These recipes will take about 5 - 720 minutes to prepare. In addition to the ingredients and procedure, each recipe includes an approximate preparation time and number of portions. If you need help choosing, we recommend Best Old-Fashioned Tuna Sandwich Ever, How to make potatoes in air fryer?, Basic Chinese Curry Sauce, Homemade Custard Powder Recipe. They are among our most sought-after and popular recipes. We’re sure you’ll love it!

No-Bake Curd Caramel Cake

I adore these curd-based, no-bake desserts that are also healthier than traditional desserts. Using allnutrition products, I made these perfect slices.

Chicken spread for toast

Quick spread for toast.

Pear and Plum Crumble

Do you have a lot of fruit? Prepare crumble for breakfast. Tasty and healthy. You only need a few ingredients and you're ready in no time.

Spelt Semolina with Ricotta

Quick breakfast or dinner

Quick Protein Scramble with Apple and Pear

Craving something sweet, nutritious, and healthy? This scramble requires only a few ingredients, a moment of your time, and you can savor the taste.

Beetroot Pancakes

A simple recipe for healthier pancakes.

Simple and fast cookies

Fast, healthy cookies from three main ingredients. You can supplement and vary them according to yourself

Stuffed Baked Mushrooms

Simple, quick and tasty lunch✔️👍🏼 +potato side dish

Pear and Cocoa Spread

Want to prepare something different from fruit than jam? Try this healthier alternative to chocolate spread.

Baked Pear

I prepared a baked pear, but an apple is also great. I’m also adding a quick recipe but you can guesstimate the ingredients according to the size of the fruit 🥰
Recipe preview Sorrel Stew (Dock Stew)

Sorrel Stew (Dock Stew)

Some people know it as sorrel, others as dock. This stew is part of my childhood, it's how my mom used to make it. Every time I cook it, I remember her and I'm somewhat transported back to the old days :-)

Profiteroles with Parisian Cream

A simple recipe made from choux pastry with a light cream.

Wild Garlic Soup

Simple and quick creamy soup.

Green Porridge

Quick and simple porridge, not only for kids
Recipe preview Carrot Spread with Cheese
Photo recipe

Carrot Spread with Cheese

Carrot-cheese spread for a slice of bread.

Cod with Asparagus

A simple recipe, you can choose the type of fish to your liking