Preview of Chia pudding

Chia pudding - quick and easy recipes

5 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Chia pudding. Try one of these 5 recipes. You will need this much time for the following recipes 10 - 125 minutes. By clicking the recipe, you can see details about the preparation time and the number of portions. If you need help choosing, we recommend Easy homemade Chocolate chia pudding recipe, Overnight Coconut Milk Chia Seed Pudding, How to make Quick Creamy Chia Seed Pudding, Chia Pudding with Coconut Milk. They are among our most sought-after and popular recipes. We’re sure you’ll love it!

Chia Pudding with Coconut Milk

Chia pudding with coconut milk is a nutritious and tasty dessert, perfect for morning breakfast or afternoon snack. It's a simple recipe that requires a minimum of ingredients and preparation.

Easy Overnight Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding Breakfast

A nutritious and delicious dessert, overnight chocolate chia seed pudding is a wonderful choice for anyone with a sweet tooth trying to stay healthy. High in antioxidants, fiber, and protein, this pudding is a great breakfast, snack, or dessert. It requires minimal preparation time but needs to sit overnight to achieve the optimal consistency.

Overnight Coconut Milk Chia Seed Pudding

If you're tired of the same old breakfast, this Coconut Chia Pudding is the perfect sweet and healthy alternative. It's easy to make, contains natural ingredients, and can be customized with your favorite fruits and nuts. This gluten-free and dairy-free pudding will keep you feeling full and satisfied.

How to make Quick Creamy Chia Seed Pudding

This delicious, healthy, and easy-to-make chia seed pudding is perfect for breakfast, dessert, or a snack. It will keep you full for hours, as chia seeds are packed with fiber, omega-3 fatty acids and high-quality protein. Best of all, it can be made ahead, stored in the fridge and stays good for 5 days.
Recipe preview Easy homemade Chocolate chia pudding recipe

Easy homemade Chocolate chia pudding recipe

This easy recipe teaches how to make the best homemade Chocolate chia pudding. Don't miss it!